
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1118 landslide Dolní Věstonice meters 164 1 1906 2 infrastructure (roads), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Špůrek, M. Historical…
1276 landslide Kobylí hundreds of meters 173 1 3/1955 Linhart Jaroslav: Sesuv půdy…
1570 landslide Bulhary meters 175 1 17.9.2014 precipitation 2 buildings sanace břehu řeky Dyje…
1569 landslide Strachotín meters 180 1 14.9.2014 precipitation buildings…
1156 landslide Dolni Vestonice hundreds of meters 180 1 3/1922 - 5/1922 2 infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Špůrek 1972
1158 landslide Pavlov hundreds of meters 185 1 3/1922 - 5/1922 Špůrek, M. Historical…
1572 landslide Strachotín meters 185 1 2018 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) vlastní pozorování
1568 landslide Dolní Věstonice meters 194 1 14.9.2014 precipitation 2 injury, buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) Stanovisko ČGS ke svahovým…
1550 landslide Dolní Věstonice tens of meters 194 21.6.1947 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) zákaz vysekávání keřů a stromů SOkA Břeclav, MNV Dolní…
2073 landslide Techlovice hundreds of meters 199 1.3.1907 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
400 landslide Dolni Zalezly tens of meters 199 1 1820
1234 landslide Napajedla hundreds of meters 200 1 1940 infrastructure (roads) Brázdil 1965: Zabezpečování…
2007 landslide Zatec - Nerudovo namesti meters 210 1 9.3.1900 Špůrek (1972)
1124 landslide Pavlov tens of meters 215 1 1/1911 precipitation 2 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), buildings, infrastructure (roads) SOkA Břeclav, D 248 Německá…
1240 landslide Zlín hundreds of meters 215 1 3/1941 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Raška, Klimeš 2012; Krejčí…
1571 landslide Bulhary hundreds of meters 218 více 2018 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) vlastní pozorování
1162 landslide Kobylí kilometers 225 1 1926 GF P025042 - Špůrek-disertace…
1113 landslide Prituky hundreds of meters 230 1 3/1900 - 5/1900 3 Stejskal (Geologie II.),…
1103 landslide Pritluky hundreds of meters 230 1 1899 Stejskal (Geologie II.),…
1327 landslide Havřice 230 1 1967 Kronika obce, 1945-1968:…
Selected 925/925

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