
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
550 landslide Strekov kilometers 1 1933 1 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) opatření
610 landslide Ustek meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 1 buildings doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
514 rockfall Hrensko kilometers 1 8/1902 1 injury
549 rockfall Hrensko kilometers 1 1932 1 buildings Glockner (1995)
513 rockfall Teplice kilometers 1 3/1901 1 buildings
608 landslide Doubice meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 1 buildings doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
485 rockfall Teplice kilometers 1 5/1899 1 buildings
440 landslide Teplice - Uporiny hundreds of meters 1 12/1896 1 infrastructure (roads)
547 landslide Valtirov kilometers 1 9/1928 1 buildings Archive UNL
414 rockfall Marianska skala tens of meters 1 6/1867 1 death
420 landslide Klapy tens of meters 310 1 3.8.1882 - 4.8.1882 precipitation 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) výstavba trativodů na odvod vody - nedokončeno Aussiger Anzeiger; web obec…
483 landslide Decin kilometers 1 1/1899 1 infrastructure (roads)
489 landslide Klapy hundreds of meters 1 6.5.1899 - 30.5.1899 precipitation 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) žádná, učiněna dříve web obce Klapý - kronika obce
443 rockfall Vetruse tens of meters 1 2/1897 precipitation 1 infrastructure (roads) opatření Aussiger Anzeiger, Muller …
405 rockfall Hrensko kilometers 1 1826 1 infrastructure (roads) Glockner (1995), Aussiger…
431 rockfall Marianska skala tens of meters 1 3/1886 1 death
432 rockfall Usti nad Labem - Bertino udoli tens of meters 1 7/1890 1 infrastructure (roads) odstranění
433 rockfall Libochovany kilometers 1 6.11.1890 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Aussiger Anzeiger
1561 landslide Kouty nad Desnou, oblast údolí Poniklého potoka hundreds of meters 1000 1 1904 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Hošek, E., Žaloudík, V. (1965…
611 landslide Usti nad Labem - Horeni meters 1 2011 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
Selected 925/925

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