
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
463 landslide Milirsko hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
445 landslide Klapy hundreds of meters 1 15.9.1897 precipitation Špůrek (1972)
1482 landslide Valašské Meziříčí kilometers 7/1997 precipitation Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1347 landslide Košíky hundreds of meters na několika místech 1/1977 - 2/1977 precipitation infrastructure (roads)
1438 landslide Nový Hrozenkov kilometers 7/1997 precipitation Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1487 landslide Velká Lhota kilometers 7/1997 precipitation Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1399 landslide Kateřinice kilometers 7/1997 precipitation Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1743 landslide Usti kilometers 19.5.1941 - 20.5.1941 flood, precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
1555 landslide Nosálovice meters 250 1 1.9.1902 flood buildings MZA Brno, fond B13 Moravské…
1299 landslide Růžďka kilometers 1 17.5.1963 flood Kronika obce Růžďka MNV 25
1223 landslide Vidče meters 1 20.5.1940 flood infrastructure (roads) AO Vidče 43_3
1844 landslide Zeletice-Drazuvky hundreds of meters 1 9.6.1970 flood 2 obnovení železniční trati ŘIHÁNEK, Milan. Významné data…
1308 landslide Růžďka kilometers 7/1965 flood Kronika obce Růžďka MNV 25
1744 landslide Jimramov hundreds of meters 14.7.1848 flood buildings
1277 landslide Halenkov hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1955 flood infrastructure (roads) MNV Huslenky 246_30
1278 landslide Karolinka hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1955 flood infrastructure (roads) MNV Huslenky 246_30
1243 landslide Jablůnka kilometers 3 11.7.1941 flood Kronika Jablůnka MNV 50
616 landslide Zatec - Nehasice tens of meters 1 2012 flood infrastructure (roads) USMH (2011-2016)
1560 landslide Kouty nad Desnou, oblast Anenské hory hundreds of meters 1 5.8.1880 - 12.8.1880 flood countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Hošek, E., Žaloudík, V. (1965…
1554 landslide Kateřinice meters 387 1 26.10.1930 flood countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) SOkA Vsetín, ZŠ Kateřinice,…
Selected 925/925

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