
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
551 landslide Trebenice kilometers 1 1938 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
1165 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1927 buildings, infrastructure (roads) AO Hoštálková 224/15
552 rockfall Stolicni vrch (hora) hundreds of meters 1 11/1938 3 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) Glockner (1995)
488 landslide Usti nad Labem - Vetruse tens of meters 1 8/1899 - 12/1899 3 buildings, infrastructure (roads) opatření Aussiger Anzeiger, Raška et…
1129 landslide Vazany kilometers 1 1911 buildings Špůrek (1972)
1131 landslide Domanín kilometers 1 1913 buildings OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1133 landslide Bohuslavice hundreds of meters 1 1914 buildings OÚ ONV Zlín – Bohuslavice:…
1136 landslide Buchlovice kilometers 2 1915 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) "OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1138 landslide Klentnice meters 330 1 9/1915 - 11/1915 buildings, infrastructure (roads) Špůrek-katalog_1972; Stejskal…
432 rockfall Usti nad Labem - Bertino udoli tens of meters 1 7/1890 1 infrastructure (roads) odstranění
557 landslide Brezno - Postoloprty kilometers 1 9/1939 - 11/1939 3 buildings Špůrek (1972)
1142 landslide Stříbrnice kilometers 5 1915 buildings OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
558 landslide Kololec hundreds of meters 1 1939 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
433 rockfall Libochovany kilometers 1 6.11.1890 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Aussiger Anzeiger
1146 landslide Ořechov kilometers 1 1917 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1147 landslide Pavlov hundreds of meters 263 1 1917 buildings GF P025042 - Špůrek-disertace…
1148 landslide Jankovice hundreds of meters 5 1918 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Kronika Jankovice: 130430_KL…
565 landslide Postoloprty kilometers 1 1941 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
566 landslide Solopysky - Rocov kilometers 1 1941 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
1262 landslide Zlín meters 1 1950 buildings Rousek 1963: Závěrečná zpráva…
Selected 925/925

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