
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1376 landslide Huslenky kilometers 7/1997 precipitation infrastructure (roads) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1377 landslide Huslenky kilometers 7/1997 precipitation buildings Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1268 landslide Bystřička kilometers 1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162, MNV…
1405 landslide Liptál kilometers 7/1997 precipitation buildings Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1414 landslide Liptál kilometers 7/1997 precipitation infrastructure (roads) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1427 landslide Malá Bystřice kilometers 7/1997 precipitation infrastructure (roads) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1177 landslide Napajedla hundreds of meters 1937 infrastructure (roads) Kronika obce Napajedla III,…
1303 landslide Lhota u Vsetína kilometers 7.6.1965 buildings, infrastructure (roads) ONV Vsetín 1122/64/1192
1165 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1927 buildings, infrastructure (roads) AO Hoštálková 224/15
1390 landslide Jablůnka kilometers 7/1997 precipitation buildings Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1231 landslide Hošťálková kilometers 1940 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Hostalkova 206/14
1267 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 23.11.1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1233 landslide Lešná meters 1940 buildings OU Valasske Mezirici 1918_1256
1395 landslide Jarcová meters 8.7.1997 precipitation buildings, infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1249 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1941 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Hostalkova 234/15
1250 landslide Pavlov hundreds of meters 1941 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), buildings Maca, J. Pollauer Heimatbuch:…
1265 landslide Hošťálková meters 1951 buildings MNV Hošťálková 274/14
1264 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1951 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1441 landslide Oznice kilometers 7/1997 precipitation technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), infrastructure (roads) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1439 landslide Nový Hrozenkov kilometers 7/1997 precipitation buildings Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
Selected 925/925

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