
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
608 landslide Doubice meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 1 buildings doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
502 landslide Klapy hundreds of meters 1 3/1900 - 4/1900 precipitation 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), infrastructure (roads), buildings odvodňovací trativody web obce Klapý; Lidové noviny…
441 landslide Dolni Rocov tens of meters 1 3/1897 - 5/1897 precipitation buildings, infrastructure (roads) Hantschel (1900)
414 rockfall Marianska skala tens of meters 1 6/1867 1 death
607 landslide Borislav tens of meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 2 infrastructure (roads) doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
605 landslide Usti nad Labem - Vetruse meters 1 10/2007 2 infrastructure (roads), buildings opatření field survey, Ústecký deník
500 landslide Hermanov kilometers 1 7.4.1900 3 buildings Špůrek (1972)
1172 landslide Bystrice pod Hostynem kilometers 1 1931 2 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
587 landslide Trebenice - Skalice hundreds of meters 1 1967 2 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
1169 landslide Mistřice kilometers 1 1928 infrastructure (roads) OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1168 landslide Bohuslavice kilometers 1 1928 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), buildings OÚ ONV Zlín – Bohuslavice:…
498 landslide Horni Oldrichov hundreds of meters 1 4.3.1900 3 infrastructure (roads), buildings Špůrek (1972)
1177 landslide Napajedla hundreds of meters 1937 infrastructure (roads) Kronika obce Napajedla III,…
1179 landslide Zlín kilometers 1 1937 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) noviny Zlín 24.5.1937
1180 landslide Zlín hundreds of meters 1 1937 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Raška, Klimeš 2012
1183 landslide Teplice nad Bečvou 1 1938 infrastructure (roads) Kronika obce Zbrašov
1185 landslide Zlín hundreds of meters 1 1938 infrastructure (roads) Raška, Klimeš 2012
1186 landslide Zlín kilometers 1 1938 infrastructure (roads) noviny Zlín 7.2.1938; Raška,…
440 landslide Teplice - Uporiny hundreds of meters 1 12/1896 1 infrastructure (roads)
1167 landslide Bohuslavice hundreds of meters 1 1928 infrastructure (roads), buildings OÚ ONV Zlín – Bohuslavice:…
Selected 925/925

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