
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1165 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1927 buildings, infrastructure (roads) AO Hoštálková 224/15
488 landslide Usti nad Labem - Vetruse tens of meters 1 8/1899 - 12/1899 3 buildings, infrastructure (roads) opatření Aussiger Anzeiger, Raška et…
1365 landslide Bystřička hundreds of meters 14.7.1997 precipitation buildings, infrastructure (roads) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1303 landslide Lhota u Vsetína kilometers 7.6.1965 buildings, infrastructure (roads) ONV Vsetín 1122/64/1192
1216 landslide Zlín meters 1 1939 buildings, infrastructure (roads) Rousek 1963: Závěrečná zpráva…
1311 landslide Hřivínův Újezd hundreds of meters 1 8/1965 buildings, infrastructure (roads) MNV Hřivínův Újezd, Hlášení…
1106 landslide Domanín kilometers 1 17.4.1900 buildings, infrastructure (roads) GF P025042 - Špůrek-disertace…
2033 landslide Predenice tens of meters 1 2/1941 - 4/1941 2 buildings, infrastructure (roads) výstavba terasu Lidové noviny, 10.4.1941, roč…
1395 landslide Jarcová meters 8.7.1997 precipitation buildings, infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1097 landslide Pavlov tens of meters více 3/1774 - 5/1774 2 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Maca, J. Pollauer Heimatbuch:…
523 landslide Decin - Chrochvice hundreds of meters 1 4/1914 thaw 3 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Postcard, noviny
378 landslide Litomerice kilometers 1 3/1599 precipitation, thaw buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) čerpání vody ze sklepů Smetana, J. (1978): Nejstarší…
1180 landslide Zlín hundreds of meters 1 1937 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Raška, Klimeš 2012
1914 landslide Manetin kilometers 13.4.1941 3 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) zbourání ohrožených chlévů, přesun dobytka do stodol Špůrek (1972), Lidové noviny…
1565 landslide Lukov hundreds of meters 1 6/1920 3 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Tomandl, M. (1961):…
1507 landslide Vsetín kilometers 7.7.1997 precipitation buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1333 landslide Litenčice kilometers 1 19.4.1970 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) obecní kronika
497 landslide Dolni Rocov - Podlesi tens of meters více 2.3.1900 3 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Hantschel (1900)
1148 landslide Jankovice hundreds of meters 5 1918 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Kronika Jankovice: 130430_KL…
1352 landslide Hošťálková meters 1 1981 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Hoštálková 407/32
Selected 925/925

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