
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
563 landslide Blansko - Usti nad Labem kilometers 471 1 1941 Špůrek (1972); Müller (1941)
1192 landslide Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem kilometers 1 6/1939 artificial injury Národní politika 13.6.1939
2035 landslide Blesno tens of meters 1 1.5.1941 - 13.5.1941 2 Lidové noviny, 13.5.1941, roč…
1096 landslide Blučina 1774
1859 landslide Bohdasin-Mezimesti tens of meters 1 16.6.1926 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
1167 landslide Bohuslavice hundreds of meters 1 1928 infrastructure (roads), buildings OÚ ONV Zlín – Bohuslavice:…
1168 landslide Bohuslavice kilometers 1 1928 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), buildings OÚ ONV Zlín – Bohuslavice:…
1133 landslide Bohuslavice hundreds of meters 1 1914 buildings OÚ ONV Zlín – Bohuslavice:…
384 landslide Bohyne hundreds of meters 1 1770 precipitation Zeno (1770), Zahálka (1890),…
536 landslide Boletice nad Labem kilometers 1 5.6.1926 3 Špůrek (1972)
472 landslide Boren tens of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
607 landslide Borislav tens of meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 2 infrastructure (roads) doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
1149 landslide Boršice hundreds of meters 1 9.7.1919 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Kronika Boršice AO
1885 rockfall Branov kilometers 1 1.6.1965 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
1886 rockfall Branov kilometers 1 4.6.1965 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
391 landslide Brezi - Budov kilometers 1 1770 infrastructure (roads) Tscherney (1900)
637 landslide Brezno kilometers 1 6/2013 precipitation 2 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2013)
636 landslide Brezno tens of meters 1 6/2013 precipitation 2 CHMU-CGS (2013)
557 landslide Brezno - Postoloprty kilometers 1 9/1939 - 11/1939 3 buildings Špůrek (1972)
446 landslide Brezno - Postoloprty hundreds of meters 1 5/1898 Špůrek (1972)
Selected 925/925

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