
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1988 landslide Dolni Olesnice kilometers 1 17.4.1900 Špůrek (1972)
1971 landslide Dolni Olesnice kilometers 1 1.1.1872 Špůrek (1972)
482 landslide Dolni Rocov hundreds of meters 1 1899 3 opatření Špůrek (1972)
475 landslide Dolni Rocov hundreds of meters 1 9.5.1898 Špůrek (1972)
441 landslide Dolni Rocov tens of meters 1 3/1897 - 5/1897 precipitation buildings, infrastructure (roads) Hantschel (1900)
497 landslide Dolni Rocov - Podlesi tens of meters více 2.3.1900 3 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Hantschel (1900)
1949 landslide Dolni Sucha kilometers 6.4.1970 Špůrek (1972)
1156 landslide Dolni Vestonice hundreds of meters 180 1 3/1922 - 5/1922 2 infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Špůrek 1972
1125 landslide Dolni Vestonice hundreds of meters 1 1/1911 Pavlov kronika
1118 landslide Dolní Věstonice meters 164 1 1906 2 infrastructure (roads), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Špůrek, M. Historical…
1550 landslide Dolní Věstonice tens of meters 194 21.6.1947 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) zákaz vysekávání keřů a stromů SOkA Břeclav, MNV Dolní…
1568 landslide Dolní Věstonice meters 194 1 14.9.2014 precipitation 2 injury, buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) Stanovisko ČGS ke svahovým…
469 landslide Dolni Vysoke hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
400 landslide Dolni Zalezly tens of meters 199 1 1820
640 landslide Dolni Zalezly - Vanov cyklo tens of meters 1 7/2013 infrastructure (roads) USMH (2011-2016)
597 rockfall Dolni Zleb kilometers 1 1982 Glockner (1995)
406 rockfall Dolni Zleb hundreds of meters 1 3/1832 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) Glockner (1995)
1131 landslide Domanín kilometers 1 1913 buildings OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1106 landslide Domanín kilometers 1 17.4.1900 buildings, infrastructure (roads) GF P025042 - Špůrek-disertace…
608 landslide Doubice meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 1 buildings doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
Selected 925/925

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