
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1258 landslide Zlín meters 1 1.5.1942 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) Archiv firmy Baťa - H 1134,…
1259 landslide Jankovice hundreds of meters 3 1942 thaw buildings Kronika Jankovice: 130430_KL…
1261 landslide Lípa kilometers 1 1950 infrastructure (roads) Brázdil 1965: Zabezpečování…
1262 landslide Zlín meters 1 1950 buildings Rousek 1963: Závěrečná zpráva…
1263 landslide Litenčice kilometers 1 12.5.1951 buildings obecní kronika
1264 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1951 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1265 landslide Hošťálková meters 1951 buildings MNV Hošťálková 274/14
1266 landslide Hutisko-Solanec kilometers 1951 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) ONV Vsetín 1078/65/1165
1267 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 23.11.1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1268 landslide Bystřička kilometers 1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162, MNV…
1269 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1270 landslide Huslenky kilometers 1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1271 landslide Růžďka hundreds of meters 1952 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), infrastructure (roads) ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1274 landslide Stupava kilometers 1 1953 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Brázdil 1965: Zabezpečování…
1275 landslide Huslenky hundreds of meters 1 12/1954 infrastructure (roads) MNV Huslenky 68_2
1277 landslide Halenkov hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1955 flood infrastructure (roads) MNV Huslenky 246_30
1278 landslide Karolinka hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1955 flood infrastructure (roads) MNV Huslenky 246_30
1279 landslide Ratiboř hundreds of meters 1 11.8.1955 buildings, infrastructure (roads) MNV Ratiboř 285/24
1280 landslide Napajedla meters 1 1955 buildings, infrastructure (roads) Kronika města Napajedla VI,…
1281 landslide Bystřička kilometers 1957 infrastructure (roads) ONV Vsetín 1078/65/1165
Selected 925/925

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