
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1329 landslide Ratiboř meters 375 1 1967 buildings MNV Ratiboř 346/30
1330 landslide Ratiboř meters 350 1 1967 infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) MNV Ratiboř 346/30, ONV…
1332 landslide Halenkovice kilometers 2 29.3.1970 buildings Rozhovor se snachou p.…
1333 landslide Litenčice kilometers 1 19.4.1970 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) obecní kronika
1334 landslide Valašské Meziříčí hundreds of meters 1 7/1970 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Valmez 878_238
1335 landslide Velká Lhota hundreds of meters 1 7/1970 infrastructure (roads) MNV Velka Lhota 146_11
1337 landslide Luhačovice hundreds of meters 1 8/1970 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) GF P095610
1338 landslide Halenkovice meters 1 1970 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) kronika obce Halenkovice
1339 landslide Košíky 305 3 1970 thaw countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Kniha, 1923-1978: 130311_UH…
1341 landslide Šarovy hundreds of meters 1 1972 infrastructure (roads), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) MNV Šarovy 69/24 - inženýrsko…
1344 landslide Ratiboř hundreds of meters 360 1 1.12.1976 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Ratiboř 346/30
1345 landslide Malá Bystřice meters 1 11.3.1977 infrastructure (roads), buildings MNV Mala Bystrice 149_13, MNV…
1346 landslide Ratiboř meters 375 1 15.11.1977 storm buildings MNV Ratiboř 346/30
1347 landslide Košíky hundreds of meters na několika místech 1/1977 - 2/1977 precipitation infrastructure (roads)
1348 landslide Košíky hundreds of meters 1 1977 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.)
1349 landslide Bystřička kilometers 1978 infrastructure (roads) MNV Bystřička 199/16
1350 landslide Horní Bečva meters 1980 infrastructure (roads) ONV Vsetín 1863/3054
1351 landslide hundreds of meters 1 3/1981 infrastructure (roads) noviny Naše pravda 22.5., 23…
1352 landslide Hošťálková meters 1 1981 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Hoštálková 407/32
1353 landslide Jablůnka hundreds of meters 1981 buildings MNV Jablůnka 379/25
Selected 925/925

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