
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1136 landslide Buchlovice kilometers 2 1915 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) "OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1526 landslide Ořechov kilometers 1 3.1.2003 infrastructure (roads) GF P108421
1292 landslide Mikulůvka kilometers 26.5.1962 buildings ONV Vsetín 1122/64/1192
1443 landslide Oznice kilometers 7/1997 precipitation buildings Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1131 landslide Domanín kilometers 1 1913 buildings OÚ UH Vodohospodářské a…
1261 landslide Lípa kilometers 1 1950 infrastructure (roads) Brázdil 1965: Zabezpečování…
526 landslide Trnovany - Novosedlice kilometers 1 13.4.1914 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
1263 landslide Litenčice kilometers 1 12.5.1951 buildings obecní kronika
1414 landslide Liptál kilometers 7/1997 precipitation infrastructure (roads) Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
1566 landslide Bílina kilometers 1 6/1926 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Tomandl, M. (1961):…
1129 landslide Vazany kilometers 1 1911 buildings Špůrek (1972)
1266 landslide Hutisko-Solanec kilometers 1951 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) ONV Vsetín 1078/65/1165
553 rockfall Hřensko kilometers 1 3.2.1938 2 buildings Glockner (1995)
1268 landslide Bystřička kilometers 1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162, MNV…
1295 landslide Bystřička kilometers 1962 buildings ONV Vsetín 1122/64/1192
1270 landslide Huslenky kilometers 1952 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
1274 landslide Stupava kilometers 1 1953 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Brázdil 1965: Zabezpečování…
642 landslide Prackovice nad Labem kilometers 1 10/2014 infrastructure (roads) opatření USMH (2011-2016)
1306 landslide Zlín kilometers 1 6/1965 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Raška, Klimeš 2012
1448 landslide Prlov kilometers 7/1997 precipitation buildings Krejčí, Kirchner 1997:…
Selected 925/925

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