
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1144 landslide Mikulov tens of meters 310 1 3/1916 - 5/1916 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Stejskal 1931, Špůrek-katalog…
1343 landslide okres KI tens of meters 1 1974 - 1976 2 infrastructure (roads) GF P029509
441 landslide Dolni Rocov tens of meters 1 3/1897 - 5/1897 precipitation buildings, infrastructure (roads) Hantschel (1900)
414 rockfall Marianska skala tens of meters 1 6/1867 1 death
443 rockfall Vetruse tens of meters 1 2/1897 precipitation 1 infrastructure (roads) opatření Aussiger Anzeiger, Muller …
1859 landslide Bohdasin-Mezimesti tens of meters 1 16.6.1926 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
448 landslide Hazmburk - Podhora tens of meters 1 8.3.1898 - 12.3.1898 precipitation 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) návrh na vybudování hlubokých trativodů na odvod vody, neuskutečněno Špůrek (1969)
620 landslide Martineves tens of meters 1 6/2013 precipitation 2 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2013)
420 landslide Klapy tens of meters 310 1 3.8.1882 - 4.8.1882 precipitation 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) výstavba trativodů na odvod vody - nedokončeno Aussiger Anzeiger; web obec…
606 landslide Rabenov - Milada tens of meters 1 2008 3 opatření
402 landslide Decin - Chrochvice tens of meters 1 1823 infrastructure (roads), buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
618 landslide Holetice tens of meters 1 6/2013 precipitation 2 buildings doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2013)
453 landslide Trmice tens of meters 1 4/1898 precipitation 2 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) opatření
616 landslide Zatec - Nehasice tens of meters 1 2012 flood infrastructure (roads) USMH (2011-2016)
404 rockfall Decin - Pastyrska stena tens of meters 1 3/1826 earthquake 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Glockner (1995)
607 landslide Borislav tens of meters 1 8/2010 precipitation 2 infrastructure (roads) doporučená opatření CHMU-CGS (2010)
529 landslide Vetruse tens of meters 1 4.3.1916 3 infrastructure (roads) Noviny Archive UNL; Raška et…
455 landslide Decin - Popovice tens of meters 1 2.4.1898 - 3.4.1898 3 infrastructure (roads), buildings
474 landslide Oblik tens of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
636 landslide Brezno tens of meters 1 6/2013 precipitation 2 CHMU-CGS (2013)
Selected 925/925

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