
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
396 landslide Zitenice - Krizova hora hundreds of meters 1 1817
437 landslide Chlum hundreds of meters 1 24.3.1895 3 Špůrek (1972)
493 landslide Chlumcany - Louny hundreds of meters 1 3/1900 2 Špůrek (1972)
1230 landslide Napajedla hundreds of meters 1 11/1940 infrastructure (roads) noviny Zlín 4.11.1940
539 landslide Ryjice - Ehrlichmuhle hundreds of meters 1 7/1926 precipitation 3 infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) opatření Archive UNL
1234 landslide Napajedla hundreds of meters 200 1 1940 infrastructure (roads) Brázdil 1965: Zabezpečování…
397 landslide Trebusin - Trojhora hundreds of meters 1 1817
1237 landslide Jankovice hundreds of meters 5 2.3.1941 buildings Kronika Jankovice: 130430_KL…
446 landslide Brezno - Postoloprty hundreds of meters 1 5/1898 Špůrek (1972)
1240 landslide Zlín hundreds of meters 215 1 3/1941 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Raška, Klimeš 2012; Krejčí…
417 landslide Zatec - Stranna hundreds of meters 1 1872 Špůrek (1972)
1244 landslide Oznice hundreds of meters 1 20.8.1941 infrastructure (roads) AO Oznice 15/1
435 landslide Zatec - Zahori hundreds of meters 1 3/1892 - 5/1892 Špůrek (1972)
1249 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1941 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Hostalkova 234/15
1250 landslide Pavlov hundreds of meters 1941 precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), buildings Maca, J. Pollauer Heimatbuch:…
1996 landslide Praha - Holesovice hundreds of meters 1 6.4.1900 Špůrek (1972)
1259 landslide Jankovice hundreds of meters 3 1942 thaw buildings Kronika Jankovice: 130430_KL…
434 landslide Chlum hundreds of meters 1 3/1892 - 5/1892 Špůrek (1972)
1264 landslide Hošťálková hundreds of meters 1951 buildings ONV Vsetín 560/268/162
398 landslide Vitin - Male Brezno (Dvanactihora) hundreds of meters 1 1817
Selected 925/925

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