
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
487 landslide Kamyk hundreds of meters 1 6/1899 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
1196 landslide Lutonina hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1939 infrastructure (roads) OU ONV Zlin 1501 - škody po…
539 landslide Ryjice - Ehrlichmuhle hundreds of meters 1 7/1926 precipitation 3 infrastructure (roads), countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) opatření Archive UNL
1177 landslide Napajedla hundreds of meters 1937 infrastructure (roads) Kronika obce Napajedla III,…
429 landslide Krizovy vrch hundreds of meters 1 1884 precipitation 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Zahalka (1890)
1320 landslide Oznice hundreds of meters 7/1966 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) MNV Oznice 143_15
1189 landslide Halenkovice hundreds of meters 1 4/1939 infrastructure (roads) GF P025042 - Špůrek-disertace…
1185 landslide Zlín hundreds of meters 1 1938 infrastructure (roads) Raška, Klimeš 2012
377 landslide Litomerice - Zahorany hundreds of meters 1 4/1531 - 5/1531 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Katzerowsky (1887); Brazdil…
1197 landslide Lutonina hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1939 infrastructure (roads) OU ONV Zlin 1501 - škody po…
545 landslide Ryjice - Ehrlichmuhle hundreds of meters 1 4/1927 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), infrastructure (roads) Archive UNL
1111 landslide Pavlov hundreds of meters více 1900 precipitation 2 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Jüttner K.: Die…
1198 landslide Lutonina hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1939 infrastructure (roads) OU ONV Zlin 1501 - škody po…
1205 landslide Radvanice hundreds of meters 1 7/1939 buildings GF P025042 - Špůrek-disertace…
1277 landslide Halenkov hundreds of meters 1 21.6.1955 flood infrastructure (roads) MNV Huslenky 246_30
548 landslide Ryjice - Ehrlichmuhle hundreds of meters 1 1932 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.), infrastructure (roads) Archive UNL
486 other Mirkov hundreds of meters 1 5/1899 precipitation 2 infrastructure (roads)
1119 landslide Lhota hundreds of meters 3 1910 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Školní kronika obce Lhota
1325 landslide Lidečko hundreds of meters 1 1.3.1967 infrastructure (roads), buildings, technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) ONV Vsetín 214, Špůrek…
1341 landslide Šarovy hundreds of meters 1 1972 infrastructure (roads), technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) MNV Šarovy 69/24 - inženýrsko…
Selected 925/925

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