
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
425 landslide Decin - Popovice hundreds of meters 1 3/1883 3 buildings Špůrek (1972)
404 rockfall Decin - Pastyrska stena tens of meters 1 3/1826 earthquake 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Glockner (1995)
523 landslide Decin - Chrochvice hundreds of meters 1 4/1914 thaw 3 buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Postcard, noviny
522 landslide Teplice kilometers 1 13.4.1914 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
521 rockfall Decin - Podmokly hundreds of meters 1 10/1913 2 buildings
520 landslide Valtirov-Svadov meters 1 1910 2 infrastructure (roads) Archive UNL
452 landslide Hermanov kilometers 1 26.3.1898 buildings Špůrek (1972)
519 landslide Usti nad Labem - Spolchemie meters 1 9/1908 unknown 3 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.), buildings Müller (1908)
514 rockfall Hrensko kilometers 1 8/1902 1 injury
616 landslide Zatec - Nehasice tens of meters 1 2012 flood infrastructure (roads) USMH (2011-2016)
513 rockfall Teplice kilometers 1 3/1901 1 buildings
450 landslide Modra kilometers 1 18.5.1898 3 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
422 rockfall Sucha Kamenice kilometers 1 1882 3 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) Glockner (1995)
402 landslide Decin - Chrochvice tens of meters 1 1823 infrastructure (roads), buildings, countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
615 landslide Zatec - Lickov tens of meters 1 2011 infrastructure (roads) USMH (2011-2016)
614 landslide Hrob hundreds of meters 1 2011 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) USMH (2011-2016)
511 landslide Zatec kilometers 1 3/1900 - 4/1900 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
613 landslide Decin - Chlum hundreds of meters 1 2011 2 buildings, infrastructure (roads) USMH (2011-2016)
507 landslide Zatec - Trnovany hundreds of meters 1 7.4.1900 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek (1972)
611 landslide Usti nad Labem - Horeni meters 1 2011 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
Selected 925/925

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