
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
553 rockfall Hřensko kilometers 1 3.2.1938 2 buildings Glockner (1995)
552 rockfall Stolicni vrch (hora) hundreds of meters 1 11/1938 3 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) Glockner (1995)
597 rockfall Dolni Zleb kilometers 1 1982 Glockner (1995)
598 rockfall Sucha Kamenice kilometers 1 1/1984 3 Glockner (1995)
517 rockfall Hrensko kilometers 1 1906 Glockner (1995)
405 rockfall Hrensko kilometers 1 1826 1 infrastructure (roads) Glockner (1995), Aussiger…
1348 landslide Košíky hundreds of meters 1 1977 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.)
1347 landslide Košíky hundreds of meters na několika místech 1/1977 - 2/1977 precipitation infrastructure (roads)
1212 landslide Košíky kilometers 1939
1527 landslide Košíky meters 1 11.6.2013 precipitation
466 landslide Trebusin hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
471 landslide Rabenov hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
465 landslide Struznice kilometers 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
473 landslide Vsechlapy hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
461 landslide Ryjice kilometers 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
462 landslide Vrabinec hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
468 landslide Hradec hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
458 landslide Prosetin hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
470 landslide Habrina hundreds of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
474 landslide Oblik tens of meters 1 4/1898 - 5/1898 precipitation Hantschel (1898)
Selected 925/925

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