
ID Type Locality Accuracy MASL Count Date of origin Causes Extent Impact Remedies Source D M P
1758 landslide Maršov (UH) tens of meters 1 1.2.1967 precipitation 2 infrastructure (roads), buildings
1756 landslide Bílovec kilometers 14.1.1827
1755 rockfall Česká Třebová kilometers 1.1.1853 infrastructure (roads) Špůrek, 1972
1754 rockfall Chuchle hundreds of meters 19.1.1132
1752 landslide Klapy hundreds of meters 1 9/1938 - 11/1938 1 technical infrastructure (quarry, waterworks, networks etc), vodárna, sítě ad.) neuvedeno web obce Klapý
1751 landslide Pavlovice u Kojetina meters 255 1 31.7.2019 precipitation 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) odtěžení sesuté zeminy
1750 landslide Besednice tens of meters 1 29.6.1896 - 30.6.1896 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
1749 landslide Besednice tens of meters 1 3.8.1888
1748 landslide Karolinka kilometers 1919 artificial
1747 landslide Oznice hundreds of meters 1919 artificial
1746 landslide Lidecko kilometers 1919 artificial
1745 landslide Hostalkova kilometers 1 1919 artificial
1744 landslide Jimramov hundreds of meters 14.7.1848 flood buildings
1743 landslide Usti kilometers 19.5.1941 - 20.5.1941 flood, precipitation countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
1742 landslide Keprnik hundreds of meters 5.8.1880 - 12.8.1880 precipitation, flood countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.)
1741 landslide Bystrice pod Hostynem hundreds of meters 1 1.5.1903 precipitation, thaw 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) vykácení lesa Lidové noviny, čt 7.5.1903, č…
1739 landslide Libeznice meters 1 1769 precipitation buildings Třebízský 1885, s. 86
1572 landslide Strachotín meters 185 1 2018 1 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) vlastní pozorování
1571 landslide Bulhary hundreds of meters 218 více 2018 countryside (abandoned quarries, etc.) vlastní pozorování
1570 landslide Bulhary meters 175 1 17.9.2014 precipitation 2 buildings sanace břehu řeky Dyje…
Selected 925/925

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